bake’s omnichannel approach delivers critical context and insights about the latest news and information driving the retail bakery and bakery foodservice industry. Each month, bake provides on average nearly 400,000 possibilities to connect with its highly engaged group of decision-makers, enabling manufacturers, suppliers and service providers to get in front of audiences that matter.
1. Sosland Publishing® Circulation, December 2023. Average monthly opportunities to connect with customers x 12 months.
2. Sosland Publishing Circulation. Qualified circulation for analyzed issues (July 2023-December 2023).
3. Sosland Publishing Circulation. Average digital circulation = total qualified circulation + non-qualified circulation (July 2023-December 2023).
4. Google Data Studio, July 2023 – December 2023.
5. Sosland Publishing Circulation, December 2023. Aggregate monthly newsletter circulation. No attempt has been made to identify or eliminate duplication that may exist across media channels.
6. Sosland Publishing Circulation, December 2023. May include duplication of viewers across/within channels (Average monthly digital circulation + Average monthly newsletter circulation + Average monthly pageviews).
7. Sosland Publishing Circulation