In celebration of Universal Pictures’ upcoming film adaptation of Wicked, the beloved musical that has thrilled and delighted audiences for two decades, Betty Crocker is debuting two new Wicked-inspired treats – its first-ever “mix-to-reveal” kits for cookie dough pops and cupcakes.
Fans will get to experience the magic of Wicked with these mixes. Since pink goes good with green, the vanilla-flavored mixes change colors as the ingredients are stirred, revealing if bakers will be conjuring up a green treat like Elphaba or a pink treat like Glinda.
“For more than 100 years, fans have trusted Betty Crocker to bring joy into the world through homemade love, and baking with Betty Crocker is the perfect way for families to build up excitement for the new Wicked film,” says Jenny Jonker, Betty Crocker brand experience manager. “The opportunities for baking are truly ‘unlimited’ with Betty Crocker’s very first color-revealing innovation and new magical baking mashups. We can’t wait to see everyone’s enchanting and delicious creations.”
Additionally, fans can find six classic Betty Crocker products now featuring Wickedly Better Together recipe combinations. Each Betty Crocker brownie, cake, and cookie mix, as well as frosting, is packaged in special Wicked-themed boxes and features fun recipes that combine two baking mixes for one treat, including:
- Fantabulous Brookie – Betty Crocker Chocolate Chip Cookie Mix and Delights Supreme Triple Chunk Brownie Mix
- Thrillifying Cupcake – Betty Crocker Super Moist Yellow Cake Mix and Fudge Brownie Mix
- Outstandiful Cookie Pie – Betty Crocker Delights Super Moist Triple Chocolate Fudge Cake Mix and Rich & Creamy Vanilla Frosting
Betty Crocker Wicked-themed “mix-to-reveal” kits for cookie dough pops and cupcakes are available at retailers nationwide for a suggested retail price of $5.98.