This Labor Day weekend, only on Sunday, September 1 and Monday, September 2, Pinkbox Doughnuts is offering special doughnuts to celebrate the holiday.
The Labor Day lineup includes:
- American PeeWeez®: Glazed vanilla cake Pee Weez® with stars and stripes sprinkles
- American Tie Dye: Red, white and blue marble frosted raised ring
- American Flag: White frosted raised bar filled with chocolate whip and topped with red, white, and blue flag décor
- Hot Dawg: Glazed raised bar topped with chocolate buttercream and drizzled with yellow and red frosting
- Watermelon: Pink frosted pink velvet cake topped with watermelon décor
- It’s Ya Birthday: White frosted raised shell filled with birthday cake whip and topped with blonde Oreo and party décor
- American Pooh®: Chocolate cake topped with chocolate buttercream, covered with chocolate icing with stars and stripes sprinkles
- American Pinky®: Vanilla cake topped with vanilla buttercream, covered in pink icing with candy décor, and an American Flag
- American Vegan: Cherry frosted raised vegan shell topped with white whip and stars and stripes sprinkles
Beginning September 1, the Las Vegas-based chain will also feature “The Kitchen Sink” as its newest doughnut of the month. This special creation has everything (including peanuts) but the kitchen sink. It is Butterfinger filled and topped with “Crazy Pinkbox Mix,” white whip, and a cherry.